Breakfast Sessions

Career Advice, Coffee & Croissants!

In addition to being specialized in recruiting and matching Young Professionals, we are also passionate and enthusiastic about advising orienting master’s students in their search for a great job. That is why we are glad to invite you every third Friday of the month at: Career Advice, Coffee & Croissants (please note that these dates may vary due to possible holiday periods). Below you will find the topics that are included in the sessions:

So, are you or do you have?

  • A Master (close to) degree in the field of Data Analytics, Data Science, Information Management or similar
  • The ambition to work and be trained by top employers
  • Communicative, eager to learn and enterprising

Then apply below for our breakfast session! 


Register for our breakfast session(s)

When you register via our website and/or register for one of our services, we ask you to provide personal data. This data is used to be able to perform these services.