

Detachering Data Professionals
YA Career Consult

The YA Career Consult...

Apply for the YA Traineeship! Together we determine at which organization and in which department(s) you will work. The YA Traineeship ensures that you can get the most out of yourself within a year, so that you can continue to grow quickly!

Something for you?

YA Career Consult

Why the YA traineehip?

We offer you serious positions at bachelor and master level. Our large network offers many challenging positions at progressive organizations. These are carefully matched to your ambitions and qualities.

1. Guidance

You will be fully trained: from application training to your personal development plan.

2. Learning-on-the-job

We offer many training courses and courses that match your position. You will also be guided by an experienced professional in the field.

3. Salary

You will receive a competitive salary of at least €3.000 gross per month excl. 8% holiday allowance.

4. Match

Mutual match? Then after 1 year you will receive a contract directly with the client. No match? Then we will look for a more suitable job!

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0 %
Young data professionals
0 +
Average posting time
0 Weeks

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